Dial an Angel

I had lunch today with the CEO of Dial an Angel Danielle Robertson at a She Business lunch in North Sydney. What a fascinating story she had to tell about the history of the company her mother started in 1967. It really filled a need then and now.
I had a personal experience with the company when my third daughter was born 27 years ago this Sunday and a few days out from hospital I ruptured two discs in my lower back. Not a good scenerio for a mother of 3 and a husband who was about to travel for 6 weeks in the UK and Japan. I had moved here from Canada a few years before so no family and we had recently moved to a new house so I didn’t know the neighbors very well. Most of my friends also had young children and were very busy too. What to do. Fortunately someone at my husbands company had heard of Dial an Angel and the company paid to have them come while my husband was away. They were wonderful!
So the point of this blog is to point out that there is help out there for you! They offer mother craft and neonatal nurses, child care, evening babysitting,before and after school care, emergency care, cleaning, mothers help, nannies, corporate crèche Angels plus lots more.
In this day and age when so many Mums go back to work at least a few days per week it often feels like you are on a tread mill trying to manage work and family plus keeping a household running. Even if your partner is a great help you can still feel like you are stretched too far!
If you feel like you need some help Dial an Angel is a great resource for you to keep in mind.
Check them out at http://www.dialanangel.com , 1300721111
Happy Mothering!